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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Attention Please:

My adventure is half way over. I know my blog hasn't always been consistent, but it's been a journey worth taking. A journey worth sharing. A lot like my trip here. And I've had the good fortune to see so many things and take so many pictures that couldn't be shared in this space. So, I'm going to write a book.

Yep. I'm going to be self-publishing an ebook in PDF format by the end of the month (hopefully)! It will include some of the stories and photos already here on the blog, as well as many that haven't made it. I also hope to get a full featured version on the iPad through the new iBook Author application from Apple, and may start selling some hi-res desktop background sets and postcards of my images as well. I'll keep you posted.

Thank you again for all of the love and support, and I look forward to sharing my stories, photos, and adventures with you for the next three months and beyond.

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