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Monday, November 7, 2011

Just Starting Out...

Well, I guess everybody starts somewhere. I'm starting this blog as a way to journal and share my experiences during my study abroad this upcoming spring. If you couldn't guess by the title, I'll be studying in Paris, France. Not sure yet what school, or where I'm living, but I have an acceptance letter in hand, and I'm hunting for plane tickets...

This journal is mostly going to be a photo journal. I'll be taking my trusty Vivitar 220SL 35mm with me, along with my 28mm, 50mm, and 80-210mm lenses. Hopefully I'll find somewhere to develop and print my film photos. I'm also trying to get a Kickstarter project running to fund a new DSLR for the trip. A lot of uncertainty at this point, but one thing is certain: I will be in Paris next semester. And I will be documenting it. I'll keep you updated on the details.

It seems strange to start a photo journal blog without a photo. Here's one I've had for a little while from a concert I shot back in high school. I'll get some of my newer stuff up soon.

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