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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skiing the Swiss Alps

So as promised in the teaser video, and by many of my tweets recently, I've finished compiling the video of my trip down the mountain in Zermatt. It was a great trip, and I'm really glad I got to make it out there. I met some really cool people, had the experiences of a lifetime, and pushed myself a little further than I've gone before.

So, without further ado, the video:

The full length video of my ski adventure down the Swiss Alps in Zermatt, Switzerland. Also has photos from the way down the mountain. For full size pictures, and more adventures, visit AmericanInParisPhoto.com!

Also, as promised, there are some more photos. Some of them were in the video, some of them weren't. Anyways, enjoy!

Not much captioning, and I don't have much else to say about the adventure other than the fact that it was amazing. Hopefully as I process and think about it more, I'll have some more productive things to say. Until then, the next blog post is on the concert I went to recently here in Paris, and I have some backlog of posts I wrote while on my way to and from Zermatt. Those should all be up soon!

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