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Monday, March 26, 2012

Louvre: Greece and Rome

I know I haven't posted in a while. My camera battery died and I keep forgetting to recharge it, plus it's been so nice out, I don't want to stay in and blog. Sorry. Here are some photos from my backlog on the Louvre and their Ancient Greek and Roman collection. Enjoy!

The Roman goddess, Minerva
The Diana of Versailles, a Roman copy of a statue
of the Greek goddess, Artemis.
Zeus, holding Hercules.
This bronze sculpture, whose name I have forgotten, was small
enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
Roman Emperor Augustus.
Another sculpture which I have forgotten the name of...
I realized a trick for remembering the names of pieces, which is to take a picture of the name plate immediately after the sculpture. Unfortunately, not all the pieces had nameplates that I could get a picture of, and I had to delete a few when I started running out of space on my cards.

I know it's a short post, but I'm going to charge my batteries and get a post with some outdoor pictures, and more substance, up soon.

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