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Monday, November 14, 2011


Everything is muddy today in NE Ohio. The light, the ground, and my thought process. Maybe a photo will help brighten the day:

It's a photo of my niece in her sundress at my sister's wedding. As I remember, she had just popped a piece of candy into her mouth that her mom told her not to eat. She looked up to see the camera and that I had caught her red handed, trying cover up her rebellion with a smile. It was a moment of innocent delight, captured on a nice sunny day.

So more than just an excuse to post one of my favorite photos, I got a chance last night to think about my trip. I haven't really had a chance to think about the fact that I'm going to be accomplishing one of my biggest, life-long dreams. I've been trying to sort out the excitement, concerns, and fears I have about the trip. I guess my biggest fear is that it won't live up to what I've built in my head over the last 15 years of my life, or, even more terrifying, that I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I'm sure this is going to be an experience of a lifetime, but I think anything this big is worth some mulling over like this.

Maybe that's another goal of the blog, to help me sort through some of this stuff. Hopefully the photos will help me capture some of the emotion I hope to experience while I'm there.

Alright, you sat through a somewhat emo post, and it's feeling like a two photo kinda day. Here's another photo, this time in film.

A couple of my Fraternity brothers playing kickball at a recruitment event this fall. For every run scored, we donated $5 to the Lance Armstrong Foundation's LIVESTRONG Campaign. This is a photo of Jake running to first base. Not one of my favorite photos compositionally, but I felt like the brightness and contrast would help brighten the day up. Hope things outside start getting brighter soon too!

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