Ok, so I know I haven't posted in a while, so much for that bonus post. Sorry... Life got really hectic as the last couple days in our hostel were running out. That combined with my lack of internet made it really tough to post. Now that I have an apartment with WiFi included, I should post much more often.
The flip-side of that is now I have a whole back log of stories and pictures for you. Which works out nicely since I'll be in class all this week, so I'll need material to share.
So, if you've heard from my Facebook status, my hostel was robbed two nights ago, right in front of my eyes. Here's how it went down:
We were sitting in the main room of the hostel on the ground floor. To get upstairs, you have to go past the reception desk, and you're supposed to check in with the receptionist to get your key. So as we're all there, enjoying the new found WiFi (even if it was 5€ for 4 hours), this guy we've never seen before comes sprinting in the door and right up the stairs. The receptionist pops out from around the desk to call up to him, but when he doesn't reply, she chases after him.
As soon as she's up the stairs, another guy comes in the door, leans over the desk and starts trying to open the safe with all the money! All the Americans stood up and took a step towards him, but we didn't know how to act, or if he was armed with anything. The French girl right next to him didn't even look up until he tripped on her computer cord... As we were trying to figure out the police number (no, it's not 911 here...) we heard the other guy and the receptionist start coming back downstairs. The guy at the desk heard it to, so he grabbed some key that was on the desk and sprinted out.
As the other two came down, we did our best to let her know that someone else ran in and took the key. She tried to stop the other guy from leaving by standing in front of the doors, but they opened in out into the street, so he went past her anyway. By this time, we were all in the entry way, so as she followed him in to the streets, I went out with my phone to make sure she didn't get hurt and call the cops for her. I was asking for the number though, but she wouldn't stop yelling at the guy to give it to me. I couldn't follow all of the rapid yelling in French, but I could tell they weren't being pleasant with each other. He finally pushed his way past the two of us and ran off.
It was a crazy experience. They ended up getting some kind of key for the back storage room or something like that. Nothing actually worth anything. I'm just glad that everyone's ok and it didn't escalate.
In other news, I have a place to live! I was technically homeless for about 6 hours, but after joining forces with a girl from my program, it got much easier to find apartments. We found a great one that has everything included, in an awesome location, and 2 separate rooms. We're paying more than I would have liked for it, but with everything included, I'm alright about it.
Alright, that's it for tonight. I'll post again tomorrow night!
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